Why you should talk about your sex life at work

A while back, my wife and I drove to the Catskill mountains to hang out with our friends for the weekend.

We’re in their dining room eating pasta.

I look up and say:

“Fair warning, my wife and I have sex that’s been described as…”

I put my fork down so I can make air quotes.


Our friends laugh.

Under different circumstances, the joke might have had a hint of truth.

We were up there with four kids under five, so the unwanted bedroom noises we expected were more innocent:

• Cries from our baby
• The whimpers of a wet bed
• The patter of scampering little feet

Still, the joke kept us connected to our origins.

Driving back on Sunday, the kids are nodding off, and I start thinking about how a new job is like a new family.

It begins optimistically.

Then reality hits.

And things get complicated.

The space between you and your initial vision grows, and if you’re not careful you lose your bearings.

The possibility of that happening to me at work is why — with my hands on the wheel and both the kids and wife asleep — I silently pledged to talk about “loud sex” at work more often.

Well… not “loud sex” per se but my perspective on day 1, right before reality got in the way.

Your “day 1 perspective” is the closest you’ll get to understanding shoppers.

You are:

• Unaffected by experience
• Free from jargon
• Free of assumptions

These advantages fade with time and you risk losing touch with shoppers entirely.

Are you worried about this happening to you?

And the effect it will have on your marketing?

If so, there’s a solution: the “talk about sex at work more often” method.

It involves removing jargon, finding the right words, and getting shoppers talking like you’re hanging out with them on the weekend.

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