The small, two-word edit to this survey question deserves its own Michelin star

Returning from the bathroom at a nice restaurant to find that the waiter has neatly folded your napkin is one of life’s subtle delights – an experience I’d classify as "immeasurable yet influential" (IYI).

Why bring this up?

Because the best surveys, just like fancy steakhouses, are brimming with IYI moments.

I also wanted to share an example that will significantly improve your next survey and you won't find on Survey Monkey or get from an analytically minded researcher (i.e., a nerd.)

It's a small edit to “Other (please specify),” an option in a multiple-choice question, “Where do you plan to use your purchase?”, that I was recently writing. 

The problem was asking shoppers where they plan to use their purchase and providing as an option “Other (please specify),” which is not a location. The solution? Replace “Other (please specify)” with “Somewhere else.”

Where do you plan to use your purchase?

• My home
• My business
• Other (please specify) Somewhere else ______________. 

The point is not just about cosmetic touch ups.

If your run-of-the-mill analyst were in charge they’d politely appreciate “Somewhere else” then remove it and argue that guiding shoppers towards a location undermines the purpose of a catch-all option such as “Other (please specify).”

However, they'd miss the essence of "Somewhere else,” which, similar to folded napkins in a restaurant, enhances the question in a way that can’t be measured.

Guiding shoppers towards a location is the whole point — and the courteous thing to do.

Another way to put it: “Other (please specify)” is the Applebees of response options and you want French Laundry.

Which brings me to the $45 Survey Roasts. They are an affordable and easy way to incorporate dozens of IYI experiences into your survey to ensure it delivers the solutions you need.

Like I said, you won’t find this stuff on Survey Monkey or your LinkedIn feed, and definitely not through a nerdy research vendor.

Remember that the folded napkin isn’t just a “nice touch” but useful. People can grab it and sit down in one smooth motion, like they’re Danny Ocean dining in Vegas.

If getting that level of detail applied to your surveys for $45 sounds like something you think you’d benefit from, click on the link below to book a session.

I’d love to help.



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