Discover authentic shopper preferences with the "If you had to buy" question

Have you ever wondered if shoppers actually care that your brand is GMO-free, plant-based, or organic-certified?

When it comes to finding claims that actually motivate people to buy, conducting A/B tests is the gold standard.

But many eCommerce brands I work with face barriers that prevent them from conducting such tests, including:

  1. Insufficient website traffic to make A/B testing feasible.

  2. Limited knowledge and resources for designing and conducting A/B tests.

  3. The need to test claims before presenting them to live consumers.

To overcome these obstacles, brands ask shoppers to state which claims they prefer. However, that’s a bit like asking someone how much they plan to gamble.

So, what’s the solution?

The "If you had to buy, which one would you buy?" question.

Here's an example using CBD soft gels:

If you had to buy one of the CBD soft gels below, which one would you buy?

  1. CBD Softgels: Bottle with 30 soft gels for $26.99.

  2. CBD Softgels: Bottle with 30 soft gels for $31.99. Featuring carbon neutral manufacturing.

By assigning a small price to the claim, this approach eliminates “cheap talk.”

"You say you care about carbon neutral manufacturing, but are you willing to pay extra for it?"

Feel free to repeat this process for any claim you want to test, simply by replacing "Carbon Neutral Manufacturing" with the specific claim. You can engage your subscriber list subscribers or recruit a sample from your target market.


From niche to mass market brand with one post purchase survey question: A data-driven guide.


Give shoppers in your survey a chance to say "Sounds nice. I don't care.