Capture unspoken insights with the “Is there anything else?” question

If you're using surveys to gain insights into your customers and you’re not sure if you’re collecting actionable data, there's one question that holds immense value: the "Is there anything else?" question.

Let's Set the Context (or Why I'm Currently Frustrated with TurboTax).
Last week, after a conversation with a TurboTax representative, I received a survey asking me to rate the representative's performance. I clicked on the survey, not to provide a rating, but to express my frustration with the infuriating experience of navigating their call tree to reach a human.

However, the only feedback option available involved using a 1-5 scale to rate the representative, who, to be fair, was perfectly nice.

Consequently, I decided to abandon the survey altogether.

What Was TurboTax's Oversight?
TurboTax neglected to include the crucial "Is there anything else?" question. For example:

"In terms of your overall attitude towards [insert your brand] or [insert your category], is there anything else you'd like to add that the previous questions did not address?"

Incorporate this question in your next survey. You’ll give respondents an opportunity to share valuable feedback—both positive and negative—that might have otherwise gone unaddressed.

While most respondents may skip the question, around 20% are likely to respond.


Give shoppers in your survey a chance to say "Sounds nice. I don't care.


Don’t ask shoppers how much they’d pay. Ask them what they’ve already bought.